The choice of proved to be more difficult than I thought.
I did not want this book to be a “catalogue” of my work in pure chronological order because it would be boring.
A work of this kind should have more variety of topics and should involve items on the human level with anecdotes and stories, especially funny, greatly enriching the reading.
The choice of projects-precursors, over a thousand, was not a simple matter really. I had no doubt in a select few: My Hope, A Speranziella, Surfury so on their own merits as avant-garde hull designs, but for others it was not easy. Some poetic license may be used and maybe some projects are only valid for the owner, for good memories or simply because they were funny.
Surely when it comes to the performance of a boat you end up talking about the dynamic that is not really appreciated by all.
That’s why I included at the end of the book, three technical appendices: the design of planing boats, flaps and surface drives.
Milestones in my Designs by Renato Levi
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